If you love crocheting socks, you will love this book. Included are 12 patterns, all using Premier® Yarns Deborah Norville Serenity Sock and Serenity Garden Sock yarns. A variety of techniques such as lace, colorwork, Tunisian and cables are used to present a collection of beautiful and functional designs. Instructions include tips for working socks with different stitch patterns, sizing the socks, and getting the correct gauge. There are a variety of heel and toe patterns that can be used interchangeably. Skill level: easy to intermediate.
- Publisher: Annie's
- Edition: BC Paperback
- Publication: 01 July 2015
- ISBN 13/EAN: 9781573677714
- Size: 216x276 mm
- Illustrations: 0
- Pages: 40
- RRP: £6.99